Natural Hazards Resilience Certificate
My department offers a graduate certificate in Natural Hazards Resilience. It’s designed for people interested in climate change adaptation and disaster risk management careers, and it is open to students at UNC Chapel Hill, Duke, and NC State. Learn more here!
Planning for Natural Hazards and Climate Risk (PLAN 655): Introduction to natural hazards risk management planning, including climate change-induced hazards. Areas of study include planning and its application to hazard mitigation and disaster recovery. Formerly PLAN 755.
Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation (PLAN 656): The focus of this course is understanding how social and environmental systems interact to create risk and damage. Students will learn to integrate information about climate hazards, natural systems, built infrastructure, and socioeconomic systems. Formerly PLAN 756.
Coastal Management Policy (PLAN 647): The focus of this class is on understanding the challenges that coastal communities face, how coasts are currently managed, and different strategies for responding in a rapidly changing world.
Principles of Sustainability (PLAN 330/ENEC 330): This class provides a general introduction to the concept of sustainability, how it is represented in public and academic discourse, and practiced in institutions, businesses and communities.